Michael Pick

Graphic Designer

Dual Turntable Base

Solid walnut, plus existing parts


Solid walnut base around existing plastic mount tray, plus solid walnut extension on existing acrylic dustcover.


Inspired by this build project on VinylEngine, I decided to try a dustcover reclamation project after picking up an old Dual turntable with a badly cracked dust cover. I took the back part of the dust cover off with my table saw and fitted a walnut replacement. I also replaced the old veneer MDF front and sides on the base with a mitered solid walnut piece.

What went wrong?

The original plastic dust cover was not quite square, and so it was difficult to get the angle quite right when fitting the replacement back part. I had to do a little more filling than I would like to make it look right in the end.

Dual turntable in walnut base, shown with dustcover raised Dual turntable, front view with dustcover closed Dual turntable, detail front left corner view showing plastic badge, dustcover raised Dual turntable base, top view, dust cover closed Dual turntable base, detail 3/4 view front left corner, dust cover closed Detail angle photo of drawer handle and cabinet top


I bought the turntable locally with a Dual 1228 installed in the base. It was very dirty and in need of repair. The dustcover had several large cracks in the back where it sits in the base as a sort of hinge. After cutting, I polished the leftover dustcover with a 3-step scratch remover.

Original turntable and base on workbench, very dusty, scratched, and in need of repair Detail of large crack in far right corner of dust cover Detail of poorly repaired large crack in far left corner of dust cover Dust cover on table saw after having been cut in half Polished and repaired dust cover being test fit on original MDF clad base